Friday, March 11, 2016

hello curly beauties. my week has been so hectic and just plain chaotic. I'm still in the process of unpacking everything into my new house and boy is it super tiring. my hair has been just completely neglected in the process and it looks horrendous. you know its bad when your friends start to notice that you haven't been really trying to do your hair. so instead of talking about hair today i think I'm gonna talk about just life in general. more particularly my school life because its almost just as crazy as my hair. so school has been pretty hectic lately. with prom coming in less than 2 months and graduation in 3 months I'm soooooo stressed, I'm literally about to pull my hair out. my virtual school is driving me nuts as well. it seems so never ending but honestly, senior year has gone by so quickly like i feel like i was just starting the year back in august. all the testing is so stressful and there is times where i just feel like crying. overwhelmed is an understatement. is there even a word for worse than overwhelmed. I'm not sure. my mind has been everywhere and it seems like i can't focus to save my life. i need like a weekend getaway in Cabo for Christ's sakes. after spring break, its crunch time! oh and i failed trigonometry lololololololololololololol. so I'm currently taking MCR for credit recovery. well curly peoples ill update you on my life next week. toodles!

1 comment:

  1. I know! time is passing by so fast. *inserts sad emoji face*
